Knoxville City Council appropriates $50,000 for upcoming road work

The Knoxville City Council voted last night to set aside $50,000 from the city’s motor fuel tax to pay for oil and chip work on several streets in town.

City Engineer Kevan Cooper told Council the projects, which cover patches of 15 roads, are estimated to cost about $44,000, however, bids could come in higher. He tells WGIL this year’s road work is cheaper than normal.

“It’s a lighter year,” Cooper said. “A normal year would be about $15,000 more in work and I believe, probably because of the mild winter, the streets were in better shape this spring then they are in a typical year.”

Cooper says the work will be bid out in June with construction beginning in July or August. The $50,000 appropriation was unanimously approved.

In other news, Council discussed the progress of a new water line leading to the site of the planned Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store.

Cooper said the line would go through Knox County Fairgrounds property. Mayor Pro Tem Dennis Maurer said a meeting with the Knox County Fair Board needs to be set up to discuss a temporary water rate reduction to the fairgrounds for using the property’s easement.

In a 6-1 vote, Council also approved a $5,440 annual contract for janitorial work at the Knox County Museum, Old Knox County Courthouse and other historic buildings.

Ward 3 Alderman Ed Mahar was the lone no vote. A $520 annual cleaning contract for the town’s police station was also approved.

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