Council approves engineering work to repair Sibley Underpass drainage issue

Galesburg City Council on Monday night approved an engineering services agreement to correct some drainage issues on the Sibley Underpass on East Main Street.

Erosion during rain events has become a recurring problem because of an error in the concrete slope paving under the bridge.

Water flows below and covers the sidewalk in mud which creates problems for pedestrians as well as city workers who are continuously cleaning it up.

City Manager Todd Thompson says that the contractor that constructed the underpass would do the work and it would be paid for by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

However, the city will pay the $13,000 cost for preliminary engineering work.

“Hanson is familiar with the project and has done good work so we recommend their proposal and at an amount not to exceed $12,500.”

Council last night also had on first reading the purchase of 833 E. Brooks St. from the Knox County Trustee.

The city has previously demolished the building that stands on the property and now would like to purchase the lot for $823 and put it up for auction in the future along with other city-owned properties.

Aldermen also approved a quote for around $16,000 to remove asbestos in a portion of a downtown property.

The city recently had 120 E. Main St. donated to them with the intention of them making repairs to the roof and the leaning east wall and then selling to an interested developer.

Alderman Peter Schwartzman asked whether additional expenses should be anticipated on the building, and City Manager Thompson said there shouldn’t be.

He says the city doesn’t plan on doing any more work besides stabilizing the east wall and repairing the roof, both of which council has already approved.

Thompson adds that if a private developer wanted to rehab the building they would likely do a thorough inspection and find additional asbestos to remove.

Director of Planning and Public Works Wayne Carl says the asbestos report results showed there were some that were in the way of making desired repairs.

“We’re just moving the ceiling tile and [the floor tile] that go up to the third floor where we’re going to be doing the repair work to the wall. Most of the asbostos that’s remaining in the building is in the basement. We were only removing what is in conflict with our wall stablization project.”

Council approved the item unanimously.

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