Illinois Bishops lay out plan for phased reopening of Catholic church activities

It will be some time before Catholic faithful can gather in large groups at churches, but now the Illinois Diocese has a phased plan for resuming activities.

The first phase would allow parishes to reopen for baptisms, reconciliation, weddings and funerals with a limit of 10 attendees, as soon as May 23.

Starting May 30, private prayer and adoration with a limit of 10 attendees will be allowed.

The final phase allows for reopening for weekday and weekend Masses for large groups depending on guidelines from the state and church capacity.

A date was not listed on when this phase would start.
All parishes’ ability to move onto the next phase requires training of volunteers to be completed.

Each parish has to recruit non-vulnerable volunteers to assist pastors in starting the plans.

Training through a webinar will start on May 18.

Bishop Daniel Jenky of the Peoria Diocese writes there have been moments in history when governments have persecuted Christians, and banned public worship but adds this is not one of those situations.

He calls on the Catholic faithful to comply with public health regulations, both as “good citizens and advocates for justice and charity.”

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