Knoxville moves forward with new $550,000 sewage lift station

Following a lengthy discussion, Knoxville City Council last night approved moving forward with a $550,000 plan to build a new sewage lift station.

The current station is more than 25 years old and in need of new pumps and control panels, which aldermen said have never been replaced. The need for action was spurred along by the coming Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store and concerns that the aging station won’t be able to accommodate the new business, restaurants and hotel it has in tow.

Council had considered either refurbishing the current sewage lift station at an estimated cost of $135,000 or the much more costly plan to build a new station.

Mayor Pro Tem Dennis Maurer tells WGIL he was in support of the new station in part because property referred to as the “Knoxville Business Park,” located behind the County Fairgrounds, has had trouble attracting anyone to build.

“With the lift station there,” he says, “it makes it a more attractive property because now you have the sewer there in place to service that property.”

Aldermen Jim McGovern, Toby Myers and Dave Malone voted against putting the project to bid in 5-3 split. They largely favored the $135,000 option to refurbish the current lift station, which City Engineer Kevan Cooper said needed work, but could accommodate the added sewage expected from Love’s.

Also approved was the purchase of a 1-year-old lawnmower from Knox College for $13,600 – down from the $24,800 price tag attached to a new model. Additionally, Council approved buying a 1998 diesel-engine salt truck for $18,000.

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