CASA serving 5 counties, needs volunteers

CASA of West Central Illinois’ mission is to speak up for and support the best interests of abused and neglected children in the court system.

CASA’s need is expanding and they need more volunteers. Executive Director Sara Robison says all children going through the court system have advocacy, but volunteers do it better. CASA serves Knox, Warren, Henderson, McDonough, and now Fulton counties.

“Knox and McDonough Counties typically carry at any given time,” Robison said. “Fulton is about on that as well. So we’ve got 300 kids just in those three counties. Warren and Henderson being smaller, between the two of them, (we serve) between 20 and 30 children. So for Knox County alone, we serve around 150 children every year.”

Robison says volunteers spend time with their appointed child every thirty days. She says what makes CASA work is the consistency of the adult volunteer and the continued training volunteers get- which is typically around 12 hours a year. Training is scheduled on a flexible basis – depending on the availability of the volunteers. For more information, or to apply as a volunteer call 343-4922 or visit CASA of West Central Illinois’ website.

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